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Selecionada Aluna para vaga de Pibic

Selecionada aluna para a a vaga de Pibic Voluntário: Amália Cintra. Peço que separe já os documentos e fique atenta aos prazos previstos no edital 2011-2012: Agradeço aos demais interessados que enviaram CV. Não percam o interesse: submetam no próximo Pibic ou tentem um futuro mestrado.

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1. He had only one major publication.2. It was in Hebrew.3. It had no references.4. It wasn't published in a refereed journal.5. Some even doubt he wrote it by himself.6. It may be true that he created the world, but what has he done since then?7. His cooperative efforts have been quite limited.8. The scientific community has had a hard time replicating his results.9. He never applied to the ethics board for permission to use human subjects.10. When one experiment went awry he tried to cover it by drowning his subjects.11. When subjects didn't behave as predicted, he deleted them from the sample.12. He rarely came to class, just told students to read the book.13. Some say he had his son teach the class.14. He expelled his first two students for learning.15. Although there were only 10 requirements, most of his students failed his tests.16. His office hours were infrequent and usually held on a mountain top. 17. No record of working well with colleagues.

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Substituição de desistente: Alunos com coeficiente de rendimento igual ou maior que 7,0, interessados em participar em pesquisa empírica sobre controles internos do judiciário e atuação política dos TRF's, favor enviar CV e histórico escolar digitalizado para:
Edital com regras:​pibic/3edital_voluntario_pibic​_unicap.doc


Brazilian Supreme Court and the Rule of Law Construction: Building the Legislative Quality Index (lqi)

Leon Victor de Queiroz Barbosa, (UFPE & CEL/UFMG)
José Mario Wanderley Gomes Neto, (UFPE & UNICAP)
Dalson Britto Figueiredo Filho, (UFPE)

Abstract: The Brazilian judicial review system allows nine actors between political, institutional, subnational and federal ones to claim on the Supreme Court federal and state's law by their adequacy to Federal Constitution. So, who is more powerful? The political or the institutional actor? There is some difference on national or subnational actor hole? This research focuses on measuring in national and subnational levels, the quality of Brazilian legislative production based in the results of constitutional actions (Adins) judged by Brazilian Supreme Court, where Federal or States' laws were considered totally or partially unconstitutional. The Legislative Quality Index (LQI) is a proportion between the universe of suited actions and the amount of laws totally or partially contrary to Brazilian Federal Constitution, in a scale from 0 to 1, as a continuous variable, driven to statically estimate when, and where, better or worse legislative acts were produced. That index will be explored to test the hypotheses that Brazilian Supreme Court is more receptive to political actors claims and that national actors are powerful to obtain the exclusion of unconstitutional laws than subnational ones.

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